Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Big Bang Theory Ratings & Viewership via Data.World

Data.World is a great site for data sets and they all seem to be freely downloadable once you create an account.  The site is a paid site but seems to be paid for people who use data in commerce. Members upload all kinds of data sets and you can search through them. 

To show that I've taken a sample data set about the Big Bang Theory TV show. It was a great show and  it doesn't matter whether you didn't watch it when it first aired because you can probably find an episode of the Big Bang Theory on TV at just about any time of the day. So if you are looking for some data then two data bases (Wikipedia and IMDB) were scraped to get information like ratings, viewership, plot line and more and housed at


There are several attributes to this data set (including episode descriptions and titles) but you probably want to stick to the numerical ones. You can do single variable analysis of the number of viewers, the votes and the ratings and some double variable analysis. I like the single variable analysis because you can separate the seasons and do a separate analysis for each season. 

Sample Questions

Which season had the highest average viewership?
Is there a connection between the rating and number of votes?
Which season(s) had the most popular episodes? 


Let me know if you used this data set or if you have suggestions of what to do with it beyond this.

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